Parks and Recreation Design
Bicentennial Park
Corydon, Indiana
This park is the product of the Hometown Collaborative Initiative Program, which brought together existing and emerging leaders in Corydon to shape long-term viability in the community. The need for a park was identified in the Corydon Comprehensive Plan, public survey, and public meeting. The park is intended to celebrate the State’s Bicentennial, where the State’s Constitution was first drafted in Corydon in 1816. Through the Downtown Corydon Focus Plan, Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group helped Main Street Corydon and the Town of Corydon conceptualize a legacy park in downtown that reused underutilized parking and an abandoned property.
The site of the park is located downtown along Chestnut Street between two existing buildings. This park will fill in a large gap in the streetscape, provide an amenity for the Town, and celebrate the Town’s rich cultural heritage. TSWDG worked with the Town of Corydon to design and implement a park that celebrates the Town’s history and creates a legacy for years to come. The park features outdoor seating and dining areas, time capsule, signature plaza space, a water feature, a gathering lawn, a pavilion, landscaping, and relocation of the 80 existing parking spots.
Town of Corydon