Madison, Indiana
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
View the UDO!
Once the UDO is adopted, you can view the complete document below.
What is a UDO?
UDO stands for Unified Development Ordinance, which combines the city’s zoning regulations and subdivision regulations into one document. By having these in one document, it reduces conflicts between regulations and makes it easier for residents, developers, and others to use.
Who is providing direction for the new UDO?
The city has formed a working group of individuals that use and understand the regulations and their impacts, which includes members of the Plan Commission, BZA, Historic Preservation Board, City Council, Mayor, city staff, and developers. The committee’s role is to provide suggestions on the various sections of the draft UDO, but the committee does not have any decision-making authority.
How does the new UDO impact me?
Most people will not be directly impacted by the new UDO. The goal of the new UDO is not to create a completely new set of standards, but rather streamline standards and reduce conflicts or existing issues in the regulations.
If an applicant has submitted an application before the new UDO is adopted, they are allowed to follow the regulations that were in place when their application was filed. If an application is submitted after the UDO is adopted, the new UDO will apply.
​How is the UDO different from the current zoning and subdivision regulations?
The organization and formatting of the UDO will be more coherent and user-friendly.
The UDO will incorporate graphics and charts that will make it easier to find and understand the regulations.
The UDO will streamline the current regulations or processes, where appropriate, to reduce additional steps if they are not necessary.
Existing regulations that conflict with other ordinances or regulations that are not functioning as intended will be revised as necessary.
Modern land uses and standards will be evaluated and incorporated where appropriate.
Amendments to the existing ordinances that have occurred over the years will be incorporated so they are not standalone documents.
Will my zoning change?
The city’s official zoning map will be updated to reflect any new zoning districts or changes to the names of zoning districts. The intent is not to rezone properties from one use to another with this update.
When can I review the draft UDO?
The steering committee will be working throughout the winter and spring to develop the draft UDO. The draft document will be available for public comment in the summer of 2025. Unfortunately, updating these regulations is not necessarily a linear process since regulations in one chapter can impact regulations from a previous chapter. Because of this, it is difficult to provide a draft of each individual chapter.
How will the UDO be adopted?
The Plan Commission will hold a public hearing and then make a recommendation (favorable, unfavorable, or no recommendation) to the City Council. The City Council then has the final decision on adoption of the UDO.
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