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Community Engagement

Community Planning Outreach

Variety of local municipal, county and state agencies


It is important during any planning or design process to engage the public in a meaningful way. At Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group, our goal is to actively engage key stakeholders, residents, business owners, and government departments and agencies throughout the planning and/or design process. By engaging the public early in a project, it empowers the them to give meaningful and insightful input and actually be the driving force behind the plan or design. We do not create plans for communities based on our opinions; rather we enable the public to provide an understanding on what the community needs or how a design project will be used. This process allows issues to be vetted at the beginning and creates earlier consensus building. It also ultimately creates local champions for the project that are vital in ensuring the implementation steps are taken to make the plan a reality.

Our outreach on community planning work includes a full-range of services, from branding and graphic identity to website and social media design. There are a variety of tools for engagement, including both in-person and virtual outreach options. Depending on the project, community, or task, the recommended tools will differ from project to project, but the desired outcome of providing an inclusive and broad engagement platform remains the same.


Varies Based on Project

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