Comprehensive Planning
Envision Elizabethtown 2040
Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Taylor Siefker Williams Design group worked with the City of Elizabethtown to facilitate and develop the Envision Elizabethtown 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This planning endeavor began in the summer of 2019 and has included multiple layers of engagement in order to reach all residents of Elizabethtown and allow them to assist in shaping the vision for the city’s future. Additional meetings were held to include the Elizabethtown Planning Commission and City Council, helping familiarize city leader with their new guiding document.
Envision Elizabethtown includes four overarching themes, shaped by public engagement. These themes address Sustainable Growth, Healthy Lifestyles, Active commerce, and Strong Legacy. The goals and objectives recommended in this plan are organized within these themes. This effort included the traditional aspects of a comprehensive plan, but also included a Future Land Use Plan unique to the community. Our team worked with city staff in order to update and strengthen their 5-step process used by Elizabethtown’s planning department and community leaders in zoning and land use decisions. The 5-step process integrates recommended land uses with additional criteria and consideration unique to 13 sub areas and targeting planning areas of Elizabethtown. The expansion of this 5-step process will assist staff when determining a development proposal’s compliance with community-wide guidelines and policies.
Envision Elizabethtown 2040 was awarded the Outstanding Comprehensive Plan in 2021 from the Kentucky Chapter of the American Planning Association.
City of Elizabethtown