Vision Planning
Henderson Vision Plan
Henderson, Kentucky
Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group led the Vision Henderson project - which created a Vision Plan for the City of Henderson and the Comprehensive Plan for the Henderson City/County Planning Commission. Initiatives of the Vision Plan are intended to articulate the “big ideas” of where the community wants to go and ultimately help the betterment of the community through providing solid guides for land use and other development policy issues. Participation in these efforts included a 29-person Visioning Steering Committee representing all facets of the community and numerous public outreach activities to document the community’s desires and opinions regarding their future. Outreach activities included a three-day visioning charrette, public meetings, stakeholder interviews, 13 focus group sessions, mobile display, and digital media outreach through the creation of a project website, Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram page. Feedback from all these venues provided the basis for the Vision Plan project elements.
Using the many community identified issues, big ideas and aspirations for the future, the planning team organized this feedback into major into five major themes that reflected the vision, including: 1) Riverfront & Downtown Engagement; 2) Community Investment; 3) Community Viability; 4) Access & Mobility; and 5) Landmarking & Sense of Place.
The extensive public engagement allowed for a broad cross-section of the community to be involved throughout the planning process. As a result, several of the catalyst projects that would leverage or promote additional element goals were also identified for each of the five vision themes have begun to be implemented as an outcome of this vision plan process.
City of Henderson & Henderson City-County Planning Commission