Context Sensitive Design
I-65 and I-70 North Split
Indianapolis, Indiana
The North Split Project will replace or repair deteriorating bridges, upgrade pavement conditions in the area, lessen congestion and improve safety for this vital interchange in downtown Indianapolis. Alternatives for the interchange improvements were developed through the environmental (NEPA) process. TSWDG led the development of the Context Sensitive Solutions process, creating the I-65 / I-70 North Split Aesthetic Design Guidelines. In addition, they assisted the project team with the extensive public involvement initiative, graphic design, environmental process (Section 106), connectivity analysis and general technical assistance on the project.
Specific elements that were addressed as part of the Aesthetic Design Guidelines included: abutment walls, retaining walls, piers, local street/pedestrian surface treatments, lighting, color, signage, sound barrier treatments, fencing, bridge opening treatments and landscape typology.
The Aesthetic Design Guidelines were approved as part of the environmental commitments and issued by INDOT as part of the design-build process for implementation. The CSS Aesthetic Design Guidelines received a 2020 Merit Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects - Indiana Chapter in the Planning and Analysis Category.
HNTB & Indiana Department of Transportation