Comprehensive Planning
Impact Jasper Comprehensive Plan
Jasper, Indiana
Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group led the facilitation and development of the Impact Jasper Comprehensive Plan The planning process kicked off in the summer of 2018 with a robust engagement strategy during the visioning phase and includes a strong vetting process during the plan development and implementation phases of the planning process.
The intended focus of the plan combined both traditional planning contents, such as land use and growth- management strategies, as well as a stronger focus on the economic development and the utility and infrastructure elements. Using a hands-on approach with the Steering Committee, our team was able to establish a vision for Jasper organized around four themes. These themes included, Impacting Our People, Impacting Our Community, Impacting Our Legacy, and Impacting Our Livability. The final phase of the planning process focused on creating a measurable Action Agenda as well as an Economic Resiliency strategy to ensure the plan becomes a working document that can be implemented by multiple partners across the community and region.
The Impact Jasper Plan received the 2020 Outstanding Plan of the Year Award from the Indiana Chapter of the American Planning Association.
City of Jasper