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Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

Indianapolis Regional Pedestrian Plan

Indianapolis, Indiana


Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group led the development of the Indianapolis Pedestrian Plan for the Indianapolis MPO. This plan seeks to identify and prioritize pedestrian facilities within the 9-county planning area. It builds upon previous pedestrian planning efforts of counties and communities throughout the region and focuses on regional connectivity and pedestrian facilities. The study showcases a commitment to planning methods and polices that place a high-priority on walkability as an alternative mode of travel.

As part of their work on the Regional Pedestrian Plan, TSWDG developed various public outreach and informational materials related to the planning process and outcomes. An online survey was prepared that examined existing pedestrian connectivity perceptions and needs. The survey asked Central Indiana residents to determine their preferences and concerns regarding sidewalks, trails, and other pedestrian facilities in their communities. Additional community dialogue about the planning process and importance of regional pedestrian connectivity was achieved through digital outreach that included social media and Facebook Live public outreach sessions.

TSWDG evaluated existing local plans and provided a series of long-term goals and objectives as a basis for the development of a prioritization process. The prioritization process ranks identified improvements and provides a series of implementation strategies to help the region achieve the greatest benefit. The final products of the plan were published in the spring of 2020 and included recommendations for the overall regional pedestrian system classified by project rankings.


Indianapolis MPO

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