Workforce and Quality of Life Planning
Washington County Quality of Life Plan
Washington County
Washington County received a planning grant from the Regional Opportunity Initiatives, Inc. (ROI) to develop a quality of life and workforce attraction plan and ultimately utilize the plan to apply for implementation grant funding through ROI. Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group led the creation of this plan, outline big ideas, objectives and next steps for Washington County.
Washington County took advantage of this unique opportunity to create a comprehensive vision for quality of life and workforce attraction. This planning process include a review of a broad scope of topics, which were focused into three categories: 1) health and wellness; 2) economic development; and 3) quality of life. Public engagement also played an important role in this planning process, which included an online survey and public visioning workshop. Community input was utilized to determine priorities, and identify direction and topics to cover within the plan. Economic development strategies for population attraction and retention, workforce development, business support, and agricultural business support were highlighted as Tier 1 priorities. Enhancement of local recreational assets were also key priorities that were identified as part of this strategic planning initiative.
Washington County Economic Growth Partnership