The Stellar Pathways Program is a multi-agency, multi-million-dollar investment initiative led by the Office of Community and Rural Affairs. The program works with communities within a county boundary on a shared vision for community and economic development, promotes local and regional partnerships, and assists in implementing sustainable solutions to challenges facing Indiana’s rural communities.
In June 2024, four regions were chosen as the 2024 Stellar Pathways Finalists including Dearborn County, LaGrange County, Wabash County, and Warren County. As finalists, each region received $50,000 to put towards the development of a final strategic investment plan – this planning effort!
The Wabash County region includes the County, the City of Wabash, the Town of North Manchester, the Town of La Fontaine, the Town of Lagro, and the Town of Roann.
Indiana’s Stellar Pathways program is requesting a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) detailing the region’s comprehensive community revitalization strategies over the five-year Stellar Pathways timeline, which is part of the competitive process.
A Strategic Investment Plan is an economic development tool to identify economic, business, and developmental programs and projects that may qualify for targeted funding to accomplish key regional goals.
Major project milestones include:
July – October – Development of SIP
November 1 – SIP Due
December 5 – Presentation to the State
January 2024 – Announcement of two Stellar Pathways designees
Because the Imagine One 85 process brought each community to the table, a group of local representatives had already been meeting every month to move projects and programs forward. This same group will guide the development of the SIP.
The leadership group includes:
Kristie Bone - Town of Lagro
Jeff Dawes – Wabash County
Alex Downard – Imagine One 85
Bob Ferguson – Town of Roann
Patty Grant – Community Foundation
Tracie Hensley – Town of La Fontaine
Scott Long – City of Wabash
Sam McFadden - Community Foundation
Adam Penrod – Town of North Manchester
Tenille Zartman - Grow Wabash County

The development team used the following engagement opportunities and tools to educate, engage, and excite the 31,000 residents of Wabash County.
Mobile Engagement Display
Our region capitalized on the various community events that were occurring throughout September 2024. The benefit of this engagement method was that the development team could meet people where they were instead of asking people to come to a project-specific meeting.
Online Survey
An online survey was available through most of the SIP planning process. This survey was available in both English and Spanish and received over 300 responses. This survey was promoted via press release, social media campaigns, postcards in local restaurants, and school newsletters.
Public Open House & Community Event
The project team facilitated two public events on October 10, 2024. The first event was in North Manchester from 12:00 – 2:00pm. Nearly 20 people stopped by The Coop on Main Street to review and share ideas related to the proposed project ideas. On the evening of October 10, 2024, the project team attended the Grow Wabash County Annual Dinner at the Honeywell Center in Wabash. There were nearly 300 people at this event to celebrate the businesses and leaders that help grow our communities every day.
Stakeholder Meetings
Members of the development team facilitate monthly meetings with various stakeholders through Wabash County. These stakeholders included student focus groups, the Hispanic and Amish population, and community programming partners.