Each year we work with communities across the Midwest to help them develop steps and strategies to make a positive impact in their community. We use our professional experience and expertise to help communities develop plans that help enrich and activate their communities. We spend a lot of time talking with community leaders and residents about improving the communities where they live work and play. What we don’t talk about, as much, are the many company and staff efforts we make to give back to our local communities. Just as we advise, our staff gives back many hours of community service and volunteering in our own communities with the idea that we can make our home communities even stronger places.
This service takes on many different forms. Sometimes, it is financial or in-kind support for major community initiatives. Sometimes it is the volunteering of time for professional service to our local or national professional organizations. Sometimes, it is community service on boards and commissions. And sometimes, it is volunteering for local community organizations that our family or friends are involved in. As a company, we pride ourselves on encouraging our staff to be active participants in their community—to lead through example, to give back, and most of all, make a difference in the communities where they live.
This year, Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group invested in over 15 different community organizations that contribute to improving the quality of life in our home communities. Our staff served on the boards, committees, or in elected positions on over 18 local boards ranging from elected and appointed positions, to professional societies, to home owner associations. And in all, our staff has served over 1300 hours of service to our various communities in 2019. We don’t often share these efforts from the more personal side of the company, but feel that recognition is warranted for the significant community engagement activities of our employees, especially in this season of giving.
We are excited about the great things we have accomplished in 2019 and look forward to another year of giving in 2020!
Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group’s Community Service and Giving- 2019
Financial and In-kind Services
Accelerating Indiana Municipalities
Art Spaces- Terre Haute
Ball State University Architecture Department
Ball State University Landscape Architecture Department
Friends of the Ohio River Greenway
Indiana Parks and Recreation Association
Indianapolis Children’s Choir
Indianapolis Greenways Partnership
Indianapolis Parks Foundation
Jasper Champions Little League Baseball Field Design
Kennedy-King Memorial Initiative
Near East Area Redevelopment
Northside Soccer- Indianapolis
Olmsted Parks Conservancy
River Hills Regional Planning Agency
Service- Appointed/elected Boards
Butchertown Architecture Review Committee (Louisville)- Amin Omidy
Devonshire Civic Association- Ron Taylor, President
Friends of the Ohio River Greenway Board of Directors- Amy Williams
Indianapolis Greenways Development Committee- Ron Taylor, Chair
Indy Greenways Partnership- Ron Taylor, Scott Siefker, Sam Wiser
Louisville Energy Alliance Board of Directors- Amy Williams
Louisville Historic Landmarks Commission- Amin Omidy
New Albany, IN Planning Commission- Haley James
Northpoint Village Townhomes HOA – Scott Siefker, President
Olmsted Parks Conservancy Board of Directors, Louisville, KY- Amin Omidy
Plainfield Design Review Committee – Luke Waltz
Sustainable Housing Development (SHD) Exploratory Team- Luke Waltz
Professional Service
American Planning Association, Indiana Chapter- Haley James, Sponsorship Chair
American Planning Association, Kentucky Chapter- Amy Williams, Fellows Nomination State Committee Chair
American Planning Association, Kentucky Chapter- Haley James, Conference Planning/Social Media Chair
American Society of Landscape Architects, Indiana Chapter- Awards Committee- Katie Clark, Scott Siefker
American Society of Landscape Architects, Indiana Chapter- Fellows Committee- Katie Clark, Scott Siefker, Ron Taylor
American society of Landscape Architects- National Member Services Committee- Katie Clark
American Society of Landscape Architects, Kentucky Chapter- Amin Omidy
Ball State University – Plan 100 Guest Lecturer & Plan 451 Guest Lecturer- Haley James
Ball State University CAP/Landscape Architecture/Architecture Studio Host- Scott Siefker
Carmel Youth Assistance Program- Katie Clark
CNU Louisville – Volunteer Coordinator- Haley James
Herron High School – Internship Mentor Program- Scott Siefker
University of Kentucky Landscape Architecture Program- Amin Omidy
Community Service and Personal Investment
Bolt for the Heart 5K- Katie Clark
Boy Scouts of America- Ron Taylor
Carmel High School Marching Band- Katie Clark
Carmel Dad’s Club- Katie and Greg Clark
Girl Scouts of America- Ron Taylor
Global 6k for Water Community Outreach Event- Luke Walz
Hope Redefined IMS Coke Lot Hotdog Community Outreach Event- Luke Waltz
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Great Indy Clean up- Ron Taylor
Northside Soccer Board of Directors- Ron Taylor
Northside Soccer- Coach- Ron Taylor
Operation Backpack Community Outreach Event- Luke Waltz
Vertical Church Facilities and Redesign Coordination- Luke Waltz
Vertical Church Volunteer and Coordinator, Plainfield, IN- Luke Waltz
Vertical Church Men’s Group Leader- Luke Waltz
YMCA Youth Soccer Program- Coach- Amy Williams